Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friday iPhone Dump


Ok, I know it's not Friday, it's Sunday. I'm super late on this, but I really wanted to put up my pictures and continue with this link up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump!

Ok, so my first 2 are awful. My iPhone takes terrible nighttime pictures (is that how they all are or do I need to have mine looked at? It's a 4S.), so they're blurry and dark. I lightened one so you could at least see it. Anyway, they're from Emily's Trunk or Treat at school. I volunteered to hand out candy and decorate my trunk as part of it and managed to forget to take a picture of that, but I did a spider theme, since Emily's so enamored with our front yard spider decorations. Emily dressed up as Woody (in a dress) like she did when we went to Disney's Not So Scary Halloween Party a month ago.

Enjoying a piece of candy with daddy. I know, it's terribly blurry. This was with a flash.
Dancing to the music! She had a blast dancing! This was the one I lightened.
The next day, we were up bright and early to go to the pumpkin patch since we got there too late last weekend and it was backed up 3 miles with a projected 2 hour wait to get into the place. Thankfully, crowds weren't too bad this time and Emily had a blast! She gets so much more out of the pumpkin patch each time we go. This time, she was big enough to do quite a few more things - she did a pony ride, fed some goats, panned for "gemstones", went down a roller slide with both of us, jumped for quite a while on the bouncy air pillows, rode the cow train, rode the real train, rode the carousel, and picked a few small pumpkins! It was a really fun day and I'm so glad we got to go. A few of these upcoming pics aren't iPhone pics (they're from a real camera), but I thought I'd include them anyway.
At the farm!
Feeding the goats
Jumping high with Daddy (she also jumped on her own)
Drink break! (Oh, and the wardrobe change was due to the heat - it was nice, but got warmer)
With some pumpkins!
Next up, my nails of the first part of last week! I got the idea off Pinterest while trying to find ideas for my new chevron stickers! Later in the week, I did a more Halloweeny look with a dark orange and a gold/orange/black glitter accent.
This next picture is a typical bedtime:
Animal friends all over the bed and daddy reading books.
Taken in the dark, but this is what I found one day this week during naptime:
Poor kid.
This one may look familiar! She wanted another picture with her beloved spiders. There have been 2 more pictures since.
I hate to take them down!
My cat staring at me creepily from downstairs.
I'm waiting...
An idea I totally stole from Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, this is my first attempt at a muffin tin meal for Emily! It has olives, bologna cut into animal shapes, toast cut into animal shapes, grapes, a cookie, and a fun size Crunch bar. Naturally, the chocolate was eaten first.
She liked it!
And finally, Emily changed her mind on what she wanted to dress up as for her school party on Halloween and for that night. She ended up dressing up like a kitty!
Getting home after her school party
Trick or treat! She totally filled up that bucket!
That's it for this week!


  1. Awesome pics! It look like you all had a blast for Halloween (:

    -Angela @ Boxedmom
