I'm part of a few subscription box groups on Facebook and it seemed for a while there that everyone wanted a Graze code so they could get the
Graze subscription. You need an invitation code to get it, otherwise you have to join the waiting list - I'm not sure how long the wait it. Graze is a snack service that is either monthly or biweekly, depending on how often you want it, and for $6 a box you get 4 one-serving healthy snacks. I figured it had such high demand and good recommendations, I had to at least try it. And bonus! With the invitation codes, you get your 1st and 5th box free! So, it really didn't hurt to try at least one box.
You don't get to pick your snacks with this box like you do with Naturebox, but you can rate everything on their list (over 90 snack choices) as Trash (you'll never get it), Try (happy to try), Like (send occasionally), and Love (send regularly), so you do get at least some customization to your tastes. I quickly went through and gave everything a preliminary rating based on how good I thought it looked - asian snacks and plain nuts got trashed, a lot of things got tried or liked, and a few things got loved because they looked amazing.
So, my first box arrived and honestly, was slightly smaller than I expected, but they're healthy snacks, so healthy portions as well.
The box |
Opening the box |
Info card - not really on the foods, just a welcome note and a note about the referrals. They also included a sheet with nutrition information that I forgot to take a picture of. |
I was eager to see what I got! From my initial ratings, I got I think 2 loves, a like, and a try:
- Toffee Apple - dried apple pieces with a toffee dip. OH MY GOSH! This was, like, one of the best things ever. That dip. I wish I could buy a vat of it. SO GOOD. If I could pick my snacks, I'd order a box full of these. This was initially rated love because I thought it looked good and it did not disappoint at all. It remains a love rating. I do sort of wish it were a bigger serving, but again - healthy serving size.
- Boston Baguettes - This I marked as try initially. It looked a little weird, but I was willing to at least try it. I'm glad I did! It was interesting but good. It's tomato breadsticks with a BBQ relish. My relish was a little chunky and I thought that was good. I'm going to keep it a try rating just because there are so many other things I'd like to try.
Graze Toffee Apple and Boston Baguettes (I may take a picture after opening as well next time) |
- Raspberry and Coconut Muffin - This was I think initially marked a love because I knew I'd like the little amaretti drops (I love that flavor!). It's basically a trail mix with coconut, raspberry infused cranberries, almond slices, and amaretti drops (little cookie things with an almond extracty kind of flavor). I did love the amaretti drops as expected, but I noticed I ended up eating all the "extra stuff" and saving the amaretti drops to savor last. I liked it, but didn't love it, as a whole snack, so I bumped it down to "like".
- Cinnamon Pretzels - I had this marked as like because I thought it looked nice and sweet. It's a mix of poppyseed pretzels and cinnamon honey almonds. I loved the cinnamon honey almonds - really tasty! On the other hand, the poppyseed pretzels were a bit of a letdown. I don't love the little baggies of pretzels you get on airplanes, and these don't taste appreciably different from them. The poppyseeds are barely noticeable. So, I bumped this one down to a try. Make me a mix of amaretti drops and cinnamon honey almonds and now we're talking!
Graze Raspberry & Coconut Muffin and Cinnamon Pretzels |
I was pretty happy with this. None of it was bad, some of it was really (really really!) good and I'm happily looking forward to my next box. I also swapped it from monthly to biweekly now that I know I like it, so I can try a bit more.
If you'd like to sign up, I do have 4 invite codes I can give out, but I want to make sure whoever gets them will use it (because there's only 4), so if you'd like one, please just leave me a reply here and I'll email it to you! And again, my code will get you your 1st and 5th box free!
(And just a disclaimer: I bought this box myself and was not
compensated for this review in any way. All opinions are my own.)
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