Argh, I'm late again! But, I
really wanted to link up again with
Jen over at
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump!
The first 3 all take place at my in-law's block party. My mother in law was busy with a quilting convention, so my father in law asked us if we wanted to come with him to their block party. Emily ended up having a blast playing with the other kids (which I somehow managed not to take pictures of).
We took Chris's old wagon! Emily loved the ride! |
Granddaddy, Daddy, and Emily! It kind of looks like no one else is there, but there were actually a lot of people! |
Emily found this chair and pretended to sleep in it. |
The next day we were back at the park!
Going down the big slide with Daddy! |
This next picture, I was just trying on a dress we had just gotten from Etsy and I feel like Emily looks so old in it! Something about her face!
Sorry for the mess - Hurricane Emily... |
One of Emily's favorite naptime activities, if she's not napping, is to empty her bookshelf. She usually does read them, but regardless, it leaves a huge pile on the floor that I've been encouraging her to put away herself. I noticed this time that she seems to have learned by watching me how I organize the books! She was arranging the Sandra Boynton books by size.
Cleaning up! |
On Thursdays we go to the library for Toddler Storytime. Emily's ok about listening to the books, but generally likes the songs, puppet show, and art better. This week was a Native American theme and the art activity was buffalo masks.
She thought it was pretty funny to wear it |
I've mentioned her a few times on the blog, but we have a cat named Buffy (like the Vampire Slayer). She's 10 and used to be the feistiest cat - very picky about who she let pet her, quick to change moods, biting ankles, etc. She has thankfully mellowed with age and even more thankfully is
super tolerant of Emily. She goes away when she's had enough, but does like to come and bop heads affectionately with Emily and Emily loves her.
Emily reading a book to Buffy. |
Buffy displaying her tolerance by accepting a hug. |
Emily goes into our bathroom and feeds the cat way more often than she needs to be fed. Probably the source of their relationship. |
Now that the spiders have been taken down from the front yard, Emily misses them. I did leave one in the garage for her to see, though! But, this week at Chick Fila, instead of an arm painting, Emily decided she wanted a spider balloon!
Spider balloon! How is this my child? I hate spiders. Passionately. |
And finally, Emily has a ridiculously large collection of Disney Cars. They're actually her poop rewards. She calls them poop cars. Anyway, the other day, she brought these 3 up to me, laid them out, and said "Baby, Mama, Daddy! It's a family!" It was pretty cute.
The poop car family. And, argh, another huge mess in the background! |
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