This one isn't late!! Woohoo! I'm again linking up with Jen over at
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Friday iPhone Dump!
The big thing we did last weekend was go up to the Woodlands for a Children's Festival! We didn't tell Emily what she'd see there, but there was a big surprise! One of Emily's favorite shows is the Imagination Movers. Coincidentally, it's the only one she watches that I also love. It's just so cute and the guys are funny - it makes me laugh! A month or so ago, they came to Houston and I found out about it literally the night before they came. It was a free show, so I didn't need to worry about tickets, but Emily had JUST started school 2 weeks earlier and missed her entire second week of school because she was sick, so I really didn't want her to miss anymore and the show was a Wednesday, one of her school days (she goes MWF). Usually, I can swap days during the week, but the only day left would've been Thursday and I had a doctor's appointment very early that day I couldn't change, so there was just nothing I could do apart from have her skip school. In the end, although it broke my heart to have her miss the concert, we skipped it because I thought it was important for her to go to school. She didn't know about it, so she was fine, but I felt like I was depriving her of an awesome experience! SO! When we found out they were coming BACK to our area for another show, I decided we absolutely had to go. This is her waiting for she doesn't know what.
What is going on? |
As soon as the show started, people were up dancing in the aisles, so I let Emily go for it! They started with their theme song, so she recognized it for sure. Throughout the show, the Movers also came down off the stage and high fived and hugged kids. It was awesome!
Dancing! |
For one of the last songs, they brought out trash can air cannons or something that puffed out big smoke rings (I think it was dry ice) and then finished with their show's closing song, which Emily loves - she loves to jump up, get down, and turn around when they sing it!
Watching the Movers! |
After the show, they had mentioned a meet and greet, but we found out from security that it was something you had to win tickets for from Radio Disney ahead of time, which was a bummer, but Emily had fun, so it was ok. So, then Emily decided she really wanted to play on the hill up above the arena, so we went up and let her run and roll around for a while.
Running down the hill! |
After a while, I noticed a blue jumpsuit down by the stage, grabbed Emily, and we got down there quickly to see that Mover Scott had come out to say hi! He was late for the meet and greet so that he could say hi to some of the people still hanging around, which was super nice of him. Emily told him she liked his show and he called her an angel and then told her she should learn an instrument! When we went and got a Movers shirt for Emily, we and the other family buying a shirt at the time were surprised with an invitation to go to the meet and greet! Emily put on her shirt (and has wanted to wear it as often as I'll let her this week!) and got ready to meet her Movers! Honestly, I think she was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing at the time. Not so far that she was unhappy of course, she just seemed a little dazed during the meet and greet. She definitely knew it was them and recognized the music at the concert, but while meeting them, she clammed right up. Seems she's gotten a touch of my shyness. Directly afterwards and all week long, it was nonstop, "Did you meet the movers!!" (she still says "you" sometimes when she means "I") and "Scott's hair was tall!". I think Scott's her favorite. (Ok, he's mine too. He was just soo sweet to Emily! Plus he used to have long hair, and well, I'm a sucker for guys with long hair. Just look at my hubby.) I'm so glad we got to go. I think it was a fun experience for her and both Chris and I were just so impressed by how down to earth and genuine they all were in person. We will absolutely take her again if they come back!
Mover Scott remembered her from a bit earlier and said "I know you!" and picked her right up! |
Mover Dave patting her on the head. Mover Smitty wasn't there, sadly, but Farmer Kyle was (he's their tour drummer). |
With her Movers! They all sang a harmony together after this shot! |
So, the rest of the week was life as usual. School MWF, Gymboree Tuesday, and Library and Chick Fila Thursday. I did need to pick up a few things at Walmart too, so we also had a little lunch date together there.
She had just noticed I was taking her picture. |
At her Gymboree music class |
In the Play and Learn class, "putting cement into the cracked road". |
And jumping, one of her favorite things to do. |
I don't remember which morning this was, but I love when I get to sneak a peek at her sleeping peacefully.
Playing with some cars (she loves cars just like her mama did!).

And finally, I've been scouring eBay for the past year in an attempt to find a backup for Emily's main stuffed animal. The one she's inseparable from, her Thumper. Now that sounds like it should be easy! Just go to a Disney store! We even have a gigantic box full of Thumpers (they're Chris's - Thumper was his favorite growing up too and he got one on every Disney trip. Still does!). But this one is different. It's tiny and lays down rather than sits. As far as I can tell, it was only for sale for about a year (when Emily was under a year old, which is when I bought the first one). I even have the same exact style in Miss Bunny, but that one isn't the same to Emily. Last week, I found THE bunny. I promptly bought it (Tags still attached, clean, and cheap too! I probably would've paid way more than I did for it!) and I have it hiding away just in case we ever need it. Hopefully, the newness of it wouldn't put her off immediately like Miss Bunny does, but I'm hoping it would do just fine. I took a picture of them laying next to each other (Emily was in the kitchen at the time so didn't see) and I just think it's so funny to see how mangled old bunny is.
Old bunny with it's bobbly neck that she grips very tightly, flat face from smooshing it up to her nose, and ragged fur and tail next to backup bunny all fluffy and nice. |
These pictures are SO adorable! Holy cow your daughter is cute. I've never heard of the show The Movers before but I'll have to see if there are any episodes on YouTube (which my daughter loves to watch.) it's good to see another car girl as well! Mine is currently sleeping with all her monster trucks in her crib- she insists!
ReplyDelete- Lauren @
Aw, thank you! You should definitely look up the Imagination Movers - it's actually pretty good as far as kids shows. It's a Disney show, too if you get that channel. We have them all DVRed! That's so funny about your daughter sleeping with her monster trucks! Cute! Emily loves Mater and Lightning and sleeps with them every night!
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